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How to Write Editor Notes in Press Releases

An expert guide to press release editor notes with examples & FAQs

Getting high-quality media placements is challenging and a well-written, correctly presented press release can make the difference between capturing an editor’s attention or simply getting lost in the huge volume of pitches they receive daily.

While the title and news story of the release are crucial, leading PR professionals know that another real secret weapon lies in the commonly overlooked “Notes to Editor” section.

This small but highly important press release component can elevate your press release from just another news story to an invaluable information resource for journalists.

The press release “Notes to Editor” section serves as a direct line of communication with the media gatekeepers who determine what news gets coverage. Used strategically, it provides an opportunity to clarify information, offer additional context, and suggest compelling story angles that may not be obvious from the main press release content. 

In short; by spending as much time writing the notes to the editor section, you increase the chances of your news getting the attention of journalists and then getting seen by your intended audience.

Photo by Vitaly Gariev

How to Write Press Release Editor Notes?:

So what should you include in an impactful “Notes to Editor” section? Let’s dive into some essential elements:

Media and Business Contact Information

Start by making it easy for journalists to reach out to you or your client. Clearly list the contact details of the designated PR professional or company spokesperson, including their name, email address, and phone number. This streamlined communication pathway demonstrates professionalism and increases the likelihood of follow-up conversations.

Biographical/Corporate Context

Credibility is key in the media world. If your press release highlights individual achievements or quotes, include brief biographical notes that showcase their expertise and relevance to the subject matter. Similarly, for company announcements, provide a concise corporate profile outlining the organization’s background, areas of specialization, and any notable accolades that bolster its reputation.

Exclusive Insights and Data

Journalists are always on the hunt for unique angles and exclusive information. Use the “Notes to Editor” section to offer additional insights, unpublished data, or expert commentary that can help reporters craft a more compelling narrative around your news. This inside scoop can differentiate your press release from others covering similar topics.

Multimedia Resources

In today’s visually driven media landscape, including links to high-resolution images, videos, infographics, or other multimedia assets can significantly enhance the appeal of your press release. These ready-to-use resources not only make a journalist’s job easier but also increase the chances of your content being shared across multiple platforms.

Social Media and Website Links

Don’t miss the opportunity to drive traffic to your online channels. Provide links to your company’s website and social media profiles, allowing journalists and readers to easily access additional information and stay updated on future developments.

Example of what an effective “Notes to Editor” section could look like:

### Notes to Editor ###

For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jane Doe, PR Manager
[email address]
(123) 456-7890

About [Company Name]:
[Company Name] is a leading provider of innovative software solutions for the healthcare industry. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in [City, State], the company has been recognized as a top disruptor in health IT, winning the prestigious [Award Name] in 2022 for its groundbreaking patient data management platform.

Additional Resources:
– High-res product images: [Link]
– Corporate logo pack: [Link]
– Video overview: [Link]

Website: www.[companyname].com
X: @[CompanyHandle]

When writing your “Notes to Editor,” remember to keep the tone professional, concise, and focused on providing genuinely valuable information. Legal and ethical considerations, such as respecting confidentiality and ensuring the verifiability of all claims, should also be top priorities.

Don’t forget that the “Notes to Editor” section can be a PR game-changer if you want your press releases to stand out from the crowd.

Press Release Notes to Editor FAQs

The “Notes to Editor” provides additional context, resources, and information for journalists/editors to better understand and cover the news in the press release.

List the name, email, and phone number of the designated PR contact or company spokesperson that journalists can reach out to.

Include brief biographical highlights that establish expertise and credibility, like key career achievements relevant to the subject matter.

Unpublished research findings, expert quotes, behind-the-scenes details, or forthcoming announcements related to the news can hook journalists.

Yes, provide links to high-resolution photos, videos, infographics etc. as they make the press release more engaging and publication-ready.

You should add links to the company’s website, X, LinkedIn etc. in the editor notes section of your press release. 

Keep it concise but informative – around 3-5 key sections summarizing vital supplemental information is ideal.

Yes, research each publication or media channel’s preferences/interests and tailor notes accordingly by highlighting the most relevant data or news story angles.

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News By Wire is rapidly growing into one of the worlds leading press release distribution services with a growing database of  journalists & news desks in North America, Europe, Middle East & Asia waiting for you to share your press release. To make things even better, we offer completley free distrubution of many press releases!

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